PNV | In English

Pakilan Voimistelijat is a gymnastics club, affectionately known as PNV

PNV has been a vibrant cor­ners­to­ne of the Hel­sin­ki sports com­mu­ni­ty since its establish­ment in 1947. With a proud his­to­ry and a com­mit­ment to excel­lence, our club boasts a diver­se mem­bers­hip of over 1500 indi­vi­duals span­ning all age groups.

Nest­led in the nort­hern Hel­sin­ki area, inclu­ding Paki­la, Palo­hei­nä, Torp­pa­rin­mä­ki, Oulun­ky­lä, Mau­nu­la, Mal­mi, Kunin­kaan­tam­mi, and Pos­ti­puis­to, PNV ope­ra­tes as a dyna­mic hub for sports ent­husiasts. We are a mem­ber of the Fin­nish Gym­nas­tics Fede­ra­tion.

At PNV, we offer a wide array of competitive groups and sport classes for our members:

AGG Competitive Groups:

Com­pe­ti­ti­ve teams in aest­he­tic group gym­nas­tics welco­me ath­le­tes as young as 6 years old, pro­vi­ding them with the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pur­sue their pas­sion to gym­nas­tics and pos­si­bi­li­ty to even reach the hig­hest levels of com­pe­ti­tion.

PNV Dancers:

Com­pe­ti­ti­ve dance teams for ages 9 to 18 and adults, fea­tu­ring cap­ti­va­ting show­dance-sty­le cho­reo­grap­hies. We also offer open dance clas­ses for all levels, focused on fun and expres­sion wit­hout the pres­su­re of com­pe­ti­tion.

Sport Classes for Kids:

Star­ting from as young as 3 years old up to 13 years old, our sport clas­ses in gym­nas­tics, acro­ba­tics, and dance pro­vi­de a fun and sup­por­ti­ve envi­ron­ment for children to deve­lop fun­da­men­tal skills and build con­fi­dence. We also offer fami­ly clas­ses for ages 0 to 3, fos­te­ring ear­ly deve­lop­ment and bon­ding expe­riences.

Group Exercise for Teens:

For tee­na­gers aged 13 to 19, our group exerci­se pro­grams inclu­de dyna­mic offe­rings such as dance­mix and body wor­kouts, desig­ned to keep teens acti­ve and enga­ged in a social set­ting.

Group Exercise for Adults:

Adults of all fit­ness levels can find their per­fect fit among our group exerci­se clas­ses, e.g. body wor­kouts, dance (such as Lati­no­fit and Zum­ba), yoga, and Pila­tes, pro­vi­ding oppor­tu­ni­ties for holis­tic health and well­ness.

Join us at PNV and embark on a journey of fitness, friendship, and fun!

For more infor­ma­tion on any of our pro­grams or to get invol­ved, plea­se don’t hesi­ta­te to con­tact our friend­ly office staff.
